Love Story Lacey Eldersveld Love Story Lacey Eldersveld

A Tribute to Beth

On July 15, 2021, Beth and Kiarr will gather with their family and friends to renew their vows and to celebrate a love that has forged through sickness and sorrow.

Beth and Kiarr met during their first year in college. They were married in 2003, during a massive blizzard where sadly, many of their loved ones were unable to attend and all of the photos from the day were lost.

In 2018, Beth started having some concerning breast issues. After undergoing a series of tests, she was diagnosed with an incredibly aggressive form of metastatic breast cancer. She immediately underwent a double mastectomy and hysterectomy, followed by a rigorous chemotherapy and radiation schedule. While her treatments initially worked, her cancer returned this past year and has spread to her lungs, bones and skull.

Sadly, Beth lost her battle with breast cancer just 10 days before our wish was supposed to take place.

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