Wish Lacey Eldersveld Wish Lacey Eldersveld

A Portsmouth Wedding Wish

On November 7, 2021, Elaine and Junior gathered with loved ones at The Elks in beautiful Portsmouth, NH to join their lives in marriage after a 20-year courtship.

Elaine and Junior first met in 1995 while they were both working at the T Bones steakhouse in Salem, New Hampshire. They quickly became friends and spent the next couple of years getting to know each other, all the while, denying that they had developed feelings for one another. Finally, Junior officially asked Elaine to be his girlfriend on his 30th birthday and they’ve been together ever since.

While the couple grew up on the east coast and consider New Hampshire to be home, they moved a few years ago to Ocala, FL where Elaine is working her life’s passion as a horse trainer. Around the time that they were moving, Elaine felt a small lump under her armpit. At the suggestion of her doctor, she underwent a mammogram and ultrasound and was told it was nothing. Although the lump continued to bother her, she tried to forget out it. That is until the problem progressed, resulting in a scary blood clot. Elaine was diagnosed in December of 2015 with stage 4 breast cancer that had spread to her bones and most recently, her liver.

This fun-loving couple sure touched our hearts. We were drawn to their infectious personalities and they’re enduring love for each other.

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Love Story Lacey Eldersveld Love Story Lacey Eldersveld

A New Hampshire Love Story

On November 7, 2021, Elaine and Junior will stand before their children, family and friends to join their lives in marriage – a decision that has been 20 years in the making.

Elaine and Junior first met in 1995 year while they were both working at the T Bones steakhouse in Salem, New Hampshire. Junior was a cook and she was a server. As the couple likes to laugh about, Elaine jokingly rubbed Junior’s bald head and has been rubbing it ever since.

While the couple grew up on the east coast and consider New Hampshire to be home, they moved a few years ago to Ocala, FL where Elaine is working her life’s passion as a horse trainer. Around the time that they were moving, Elaine felt a small lump under her armpit. She had recently had a bad reaction to a bug bite and didn’t think much of it. At the suggestion of her doctor, she underwent a mammogram and ultrasound and was told it was nothing. Although the lump continued to bother her, she tried to forget out it. That is until she discovered a blood clot caused by the tumor under her arm pushing on her vein. The next year was a blur. Elaine was diagnosed in December of 2015 with stage 4 breast cancer that had spread to her bones and most recently, her liver.

We joined forces with Nicole Mower of Nicole Mower Events and cannot wait to watch this wish unfold. Nicole has assembled a remarkable team of wish grantors who are planning a super special day for our sweet couple.

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