Love Story Lacey Eldersveld Love Story Lacey Eldersveld

A South Florida Love Story

On December 12, 2022, Shelly and Steve will join with dear friends and family to renew their vows and to celebrate a heartbreakingly beautiful love story.

Shelly and Steve first more than 10 years ago. They were both working at the same restaurant when Shelly fell on hard times. She and her children needed to move out of their current living situation and had nowhere to go. While they barely knew each other, Steve offered his home to them for free.

A few months ago, Steve started experiencing some sudden weight loss, coupled with extreme fatigue. He was not acting like his usual spunky self and Shelly started to worry. Before long, he started experiencing frequent vomiting. He went to the emergency room where a cat scan revealed the worst. He was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer that had spread to his liver, pancreas, and stomach lining.

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