Love Story Lacey Eldersveld Love Story Lacey Eldersveld

A Long Beach Love Story

On August 24, 2022, Ruth and Jason will gather with friends and family to renew their vows and to pay tribute to a love story that has persevered through sickness and trial.

In 2017, Ruth discovered a lump in her breast while nursing her son. She had it checked out by her doctor and underwent a mammogram and ultrasound. Surprisingly, she was diagnosed with stage 2 B breast cancer. She was only 38 at the time. Ruth underwent a single mastectomy and was able to go into remission.

Two years later, however, Ruth’s cancer metastasized and is now in her lungs, brain, bones, and left breast. She’s undergone extensive chemotherapy and radiation and is fighting with all that she has for her sweet little family.

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