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An Akron wish

On April 28, 2022, Stacey and Brian gathered with their family and friends to renew their vows and to celebrate more than twenty years of marriage.

3 years ago, Stacey started experiencing some significant digestive issues, coupled with crippling nausea. While she was initially diagnosed with appendicitis, she knew something else was terribly wrong and was persistent in asking for more extensive testing. She eventually underwent a colonoscopy, which revealed a neuroendocrine tumor in her intestines. Sadly, she was diagnosed with cancer in her rectum, ovaries and lungs.

Stacey has endured a series of very difficult surgeries and treatments related to her cancer and has struggled tremendously. We loved meeting this beautiful couple and were honored to grant their wish for a vow renewal.

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Wish Lacey Eldersveld Wish Lacey Eldersveld

A Buffalo Wish

On April 24, 2020, Ashley and Kyle gathered with family and friends to renew the vows on the beautiful property of Notting Hill Farm.

Ashley and Kyle first met at church in 2013. She had just moved home to Florida and he asked her out to lunch the first day that she was back at church. She accepted and a simple lunch turned into forever. They were married in 2015 and embarked upon a series of moves with Kyle’s job with the Coast Guard, eventually with two babies in tow.

When their youngest was just ten months old, Ashley decided to get a lump in her breast checked out. She had this lump checked out before but was always told that it was nothing to worry about it. However, a mammogram revealed something different and quite concerning. She was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer that had spread to her lymph nodes.

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Love Story Lacey Eldersveld Love Story Lacey Eldersveld

An El Paso Love Story

On September 28, 2022, Elisa and Jesus will join with family and friends to renew their vows after 22 beautiful years of marriage.

Elisa and Jesus’s love story began in a very surprising manner. The two were both working at Luby’s restaurant in 1999 but did not know each other and did not interact often. After voting for Elisa in a best costume Halloween contest, Jesus got up the courage to talk to Elisa and asked her to marry him.

The couple spent the next 16 years falling deeply in love, raising kids and building a beautiful life together. In 2016, however, things took a turn with Jesus’ health when he was diagnosed with kidney disease and then cancer.

We have loved meeting this kind and joyful couple and are honored to help them renew their vows.

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Love Story Lacey Eldersveld Love Story Lacey Eldersveld

A Long Beach Love Story

On August 24, 2022, Ruth and Jason will gather with friends and family to renew their vows and to pay tribute to a love story that has persevered through sickness and trial.

In 2017, Ruth discovered a lump in her breast while nursing her son. She had it checked out by her doctor and underwent a mammogram and ultrasound. Surprisingly, she was diagnosed with stage 2 B breast cancer. She was only 38 at the time. Ruth underwent a single mastectomy and was able to go into remission.

Two years later, however, Ruth’s cancer metastasized and is now in her lungs, brain, bones, and left breast. She’s undergone extensive chemotherapy and radiation and is fighting with all that she has for her sweet little family.

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Wish Lacey Eldersveld Wish Lacey Eldersveld

A New Jersey Vow Renewal Wish

On December 14, 2021, Phil and Kathy gathered with their loved ones at The Mansion on Main Street to renew their vows and to celebrate their beautiful story.

Phil and Kathy first met in 2004. Their first date was on Mother’s Day at a restaurant called Miller’s Smorgaborg and lasted 12 hours! Needless-to-say, the two hit it off and immediately started dating. Within a short time, Kathy moved across town to be closer to Phil and the two were engaged by Christmas. They eloped in Vegas the following July 4.

In March of this year, Phil experienced a bowel blockage that sent him to the ER. It was then that he received devastating news. He had a large cancerous mass in his colon. Further testing revealed that the cancer had spread to his lungs and liver. He immediately began an aggressive treatment schedule and continues battle on, often dealing with many awful side effects.

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Wish Lacey Eldersveld Wish Lacey Eldersveld

A Portsmouth Wedding Wish

On November 7, 2021, Elaine and Junior gathered with loved ones at The Elks in beautiful Portsmouth, NH to join their lives in marriage after a 20-year courtship.

Elaine and Junior first met in 1995 while they were both working at the T Bones steakhouse in Salem, New Hampshire. They quickly became friends and spent the next couple of years getting to know each other, all the while, denying that they had developed feelings for one another. Finally, Junior officially asked Elaine to be his girlfriend on his 30th birthday and they’ve been together ever since.

While the couple grew up on the east coast and consider New Hampshire to be home, they moved a few years ago to Ocala, FL where Elaine is working her life’s passion as a horse trainer. Around the time that they were moving, Elaine felt a small lump under her armpit. At the suggestion of her doctor, she underwent a mammogram and ultrasound and was told it was nothing. Although the lump continued to bother her, she tried to forget out it. That is until the problem progressed, resulting in a scary blood clot. Elaine was diagnosed in December of 2015 with stage 4 breast cancer that had spread to her bones and most recently, her liver.

This fun-loving couple sure touched our hearts. We were drawn to their infectious personalities and they’re enduring love for each other.

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